Puerto Rico | Taken 2
We weren’t joking when we said previously that we had fallen in love with Puerto Rico. It has been 3 years since we were on our favorite island, but when an opportunity presented itself in March of 2019 and we jumped at it. Cheap airfare and our off season for weddings was a good enough excuse for us book the ticket.
Just the two of us went and it was wonderful. We travel well together, we take things at our own pace, ask for a lot of recommendations from locals, with a basic goal of eating our way across the area. Our second time around we had a better idea of where we wanted to go again and were we hadn’t been that we needed to try. We also were in the midst of working out the details for our next Puerto Rico trip, yes we were planning the next trip, during our current one. We would soon be back in December with a group of our best friends. We’ve already said how much we love Puerto Rico, keep up.
We spent one night near the El Yunque National Forest where we shared a home with a woman who spoke zero English and we speak zero Spanish, but we both understood “no worries.” Gerick took a morning river bath and off we went to the perfect beaches of Culebra for one night of camping and one night at the highest point of the island for a view. We traveled back to the mainland for an additional night of beach camping in Tres Hermanos that may have been a little sketch, but rewarded us with one of the most beautiful sunrises we’ve seen. Sprinkle in two nights in Cabo Rojo right on the water and a final day in the art district of San Juan, Ocean Park and we’ve wrapped our second, but not last trip to Puerto Rico.