Tammy + Chad
Two families. A bride with all girls and a groom with only boys. Did we just film a real life Yours, Mine, and Ours?
Being both Chad + Tammy’s second marriage, they wanted small, simple + personal. And they got it. Surrounded by all their children in the wedding party, the two shared heart felt vows. Tissues were passed amongst the crowd. No joke, photo evidence below! To end the day, we walked through a vineyard and watched the two of them dreamily stare into each others eyes and dance + laugh around the vines. Cheesy, but true..and oh so adorable!
Congratulations on finding each other you guys!

. photography .
. vendors .
venue :: Next Chapter Winery + shooting range :: Horse & Hunt Club + video :: ENGLE // OLSON + desserts :: Nothing Bundt Cakes + catering :: Pizzeria 201